The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident academic best.

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Quay Academy

Our school's friendly, communal atmosphere was noted by Ofsted with them describing us as, 'a happy and inclusive school where pupils behave well and develop strong relationships'.


Sports and PE are held in high regard at Quay and we believe it helps the children to become well-rounded and understand many of our school values.

We have strong links with school within the Bridlington Cluster and our local DRET Cluster.

Sports and Clubs are an important part of life at Quay Academy. We have fun and varied PE and Games lessons where we develop our skills in Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, Games and Outdoor Adventurous Activities. Every child receives 2 hours of PE lessons per week; see the P.E. timetable in the documents on the left for days and times of each year. Our PE lessons and after school sports clubs offers the children a broad experience of many different sports.

Through PE and school sport, children can develop values of:

  • Belief – Developing self-belief to help improve sporting success and have a ‘can-do’ attitude in all physical activities undertaken
  • Courage – challenging themselves physically and emotionally to try new activities and pushing themselves to achieve and develop new skills
  • Respect – Encouraging positive behaviours through playing fair, following rules and admiring peers/team mates for their abilities, qualities or achievements
  • Responsibility – Experiencing healthy competition and learning to cope with life’s successes and defeats
  • Friendship – Creating friendships through sharing ideas with others, listening and responding in order to participate in physical activities
  • Teamwork – Working together with other children to reach a common goal

During PE lessons, children develop core skills to enable them to become well-rounded sportsmen and sportswomen.

A ten-week programme of swimming is planned each year for pupils in Y4 and this is undertaken at Leisure World and arranged through the Local Authority and we aim for everyone leaving school at the end of Year 6 to be able to swim at least 25m.

All children have the opportunity to participate in a range of sporting tournaments and sports festivals in school. We participate annually in the DRET Primary Cup and Summer Cup and this is a fantastic opportunity to showcase their sporting talents. Local sports coaches to international GB Team athletes have visited our school, shared their sporting history and experiences with the children and engaged in teaching them their individual sport.

Events throughout the year promote inclusion, team-building skills, a sense of achievement and self-belief and we celebrate keeping active as a whole school.

We do have a code of dress for PE outlined in the uniform section and are grateful for your full support in ensuring that lessons can be enjoyed by smart and safely dressed pupils having the correct footwear.