Parent Information
At Quay Academy we believe it is vital to foster close links between home and school. Parents play an integral part in this process.
We have a number of opportunities for you to get involved in school life over the year.
Every week we invite ALL parents into school for our University Friday workshops. Refreshments are available and the senior leadership team are ready to listen, answer any questions and support in classes. Parents get to see their children in their classroom environment where they discuss careers paths, jobs and further education.
Every Monday morning we hold a celebration assembly, where all children are invited to bring any certificates, awards, medals, rosettes or badges from home to share. We also focus on celebrating achievements in school with a focus on team awards. A selection of these are shared on social media.
We hold a number of performances for different year groups over the year to which you are invited to share and celebrate with your children alongside class assemblies.
We have an ‘open door’ policy but would ask all parents to respect our request that they always seek an appointment through the administration staff at the office. All staff will make every effort to meet you as soon as possible if requested. Where there are security doors, we ask all visitors to respect the purpose of these and not enter school without permission. They are there for the protection of our pupils. Visitors & parents should always enter and leave school via the main entrance by the office.
Mrs C Broadhead (Principal), Mrs K Chapman (Vice Principal), and Mrs S Flynn (Assistant Principal) are available most mornings and evenings for any immediate concerns, feedback or comments.
We have more formal opportunities for visiting. Parents are invited to make an appointment to see the class teacher on two occasions. Invitations are sent in October (Autumn Term 1) and March (Spring Term 2) and following an expression of interest, parents are offered a convenient “timed” appointment. In July (Summer Term 3) parents will receive a written report followed by an Open Afternoon. This provides you with the opportunity to discuss the report with your child's current teacher and also meet their new teacher for September.
Family Helpers
You would be most welcome in school to help.
We need you to join visits, support group work in class, help with art and technology and sit with reading groups. Just helping around the class supporting the teacher in any way would be appreciated.
If you can help come in and speak to your child’s class teacher.
Anyone who comes into school to work with children must have DBS check and Mrs Knowles in the Office can arrange this for you.
Quay Parent's Association (Twitter @QuayPA)
We are now recruiting so get in touch!
Please contact the school office and ask for Mrs Craven if you would like to become a member of our school parent's association group or would like a chat for more details. We have many fundraising fun days, fayres and discos over each academic year. They all need organising, refreshments supplied and new ideas are always very welcome.
My Family Coach
We use My Family Coach to help our parents and carers understand their children’s behaviour. My Family Coach is a free website written by behaviour experts with 20 years’ experience working with over 5,000 schools. My Family Coach will support you through the tough times, inspire you with new ideas, and share practical tips to make parenting that little bit easier.
Visit the My Family Coach website
Horizon’s Summer Activity pack
Click to view the Horizon Summer pack
Read Write Inc & Phonics
EYFS Phonics Video
Year 1 Phonics Video
Key information
Our performance against other schools can be found via the Department for Education’s School Performance Table.
KS2 Performance Data - 2018/19
KS2 Results Over Time
Ofsted & Parent View
Our latest Ofsted report can be found here.