Lunch at Quay Academy is a communal
experience in which the children can socialise and enjoy a 'family' atmosphere.
Our hot dinners are provided as part of our PFI contract and subcontracted to Chartwells.
Lunch times are split into 2 sittings, one for each Key Stage.
- KS1 (R,1,2,3): 12.00pm – 12.45pm
- KS2 (4,5,6): 12.45pm – 1.30pm
Lunchtime meals are provided at a cost of £2.20 and include a choice which the children make themselves on a daily basis. There is always a hot dinner with a vegetarian option, jacket potatoes, sandwiches and a choice of puddings including fruit.
In-line with the government’s policy for Universal Infant Free School Meals, all our children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a government-funded school meal every day. Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 can also order school meals at a cost of £2.20 per day.
If you are on income support or job seekers allowance and therefore entitled to free school meals (FSM) please make sure that you collect the proper claim form from our office where we will be able to advise you. If in doubt please ask. Even if your child does not want cooked dinners initially please claim free school meals if you are entitled, as there are a number of benefits to you and the school, including free activities and additional funding for school.
We use the MCAS system for booking and payment of school meals. Please contact the school office to obtain a username and password.
Water is always available throughout the day.
Special diets are catered for if needed, please contact the school office.
Alternatively, children can bring a healthy packed lunch into school if they prefer.
Packed lunches
Children who bring in packed lunches are encouraged to bring healthy food, wherever possible.
As a school, we actively encourage our children to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Please see our packed lunch guidance for ideas. Please ensure all bags and packed lunch boxes are named.
Our belief is that a balanced healthy, nutritious diet is important for the development of a child’s physical state, as well as for their intellectual abilities. Feeding the body with the proper nutrients helps fuel the mind to be more receptive to learning new skills – hence, Feed the Body, Fuel the Mind!
Mid-Morning Break
All children receive a free piece of fruit in KS1 through the School’s National Fruit and Veg Scheme. Sweets are not allowed. Children are encouraged to drink water freely throughout the day and fizzy drinks are not allowed in school at all. Milk is provided free of charge to our reception children.
We encourage all our children to bring a Quay bottle filled with water/ squash to drink during the day. This helps their brain function better and keeps them more alert.