Classes are organised in Key Stages led by a senior teacher.
Your child will mostly be taught by their class teacher. Sometimes different arrangements will be made for the organisation of pupils. It may be that pupils are grouped on a regular basis for a number of weeks and taught by a different teacher. This may be done in English or Maths in order to target a particular aspect of learning or personal development. This is sometimes called ‘Booster or Intervention’ work. We are also able to offer some specialist teaching and your child may, for example, be taught music by a different teacher on a regular basis.
Our classes are:
EYFS Senior Leader: Miss K Robson
RKR - Miss K Robson & Mrs C Trower
KS1 Senior Leader: Mrs J Moore
1KD - Miss K Dinsdale
1/2LD - Mr L Duffill
2JM - Mrs J Moore
LKS2 Senior Leader: Mrs A Wilde
3TF - Mr T Curphy (Cover) & Mrs L Freir
3/4AW- Mrs A Wilde
4SH -Mrs S Henderson
UKS2 Senior Leader: Mrs D Armstrong
5MW - Mrs M Wood & Mrs A Hammond
5LD - Miss L Davis
6DA - Mrs D Armstrong
6MB - Miss M Biggins