All admissions to our school are managed by the Local Authority.
For all school admissions please contact School Admission Enquiries: (01482) 392100.
If you would like to apply for a place for your child at Quay Academy, click here to go to the East Riding of Yorkshire School Admissions website or download and complete the application forms below.
We do have spaces available in some year groups so contact the local authority for more information. We strive to offer academic excellence for all of our pupils so if you think your child would thrive at Quay - make an appointment through the office (01262 673219) - and come and look around.
At Quay Academy our published admission number (PAN) is 60.
Children allocated Reception places will normally be admitted to the school at the beginning of the school year in which the child becomes five years old.
Parents can arrange to delay their child’s first admission to school. For example, parents could ask for their child not to start school until January instead of September. However, a child’s admission to a school cannot be delayed beyond the date that the child reaches statutory school age and if admission is deferred to the following school year, the child may lose their place at the school.
Applications received relating to children with statements of special educational needs will be dealt with in accordance with the National Code of Practice on Special Educational Needs. Where a school is named in a child’s statement of special educational needs, the school has a duty to admit the child.
For the purposes of these school admission arrangements, the term “siblings” refers to children living as part of the same family unit at the same address.
A family unit consists of children and their parents/carers. The term “parent/carer” includes any person who is the birth parent, person with parental responsibility, special guardianship or who has care of that child.
Measurement of Distance from Child’s Home to School
Where distance from the child's home to school has to be measured, the school's admission authority uses a computer GIS mapping system using Ordnance Survey information, to measure the distance and adopts the address points for the child's home and the school as recorded on the Local Land & Property Gazetteer, (referred to as LLPG).
The actual distance measured is the shortest available route using the public road network. The starting point is the nearest point on the public road network to the LLPG recorded address point for the home and the final measurement will be the nearest point on the public road network to the LLPG recorded address point for the school. The distance will be measured on the School Admissions Team’s computerised GIS mapping system using Ordnance Survey information.
A child is normally deemed to be resident with their parents/carers. If a child has more than one home address, the applicant must use on the application form the address at which the child lives for the majority of the school week. Documentary evidence may be required to show that the child is resident at the address named on the application form.
Allocation of Places
The criteria used to prioritise applicants who have applied for a place is set out in our Admissions Policy.
You can download the policy below.